Deborah Lang Lac practices Acupuncture at River of Wellness Acupuncture. She can help you with pain and other medical issues. She used the power of herbal medicine, acupuncture or Aroma Acupoint therapy. She has amazing with her Chinese Medicine.
River of Wellness Acupuncture
“Deborah is one of the primary health providers for our family and has provided invaluable acupuncture and herbal healing services for us and our children. Our son had a bad case of bronchialitis at one year of age. After 6 months of using a ventilator with pharmaceutical drugs that didn't seem to help, we sought Deborah's care and she offered an herbal remedy and guidance on helpful acupressure points that healed our son's condition within a week. In addition, she was instrumental in easing my discomfort during the latter part of my second pregnancy with acupuncture and her kind, friendly presence.” --Stephanie
“I think Deborah is the best acupuncturist I have met. She has a dedication and passion for what she does that is really above and beyond the rest.”--L.H.
“I highly recommend Deborah to anyone seeking acupuncture services. Her passion for healing and dedication to her client's ongoing health and wellness needs is evident in her practice and distinguishes her as an excellent healer.” --T.M.