Deborah Lang Lac practices Acupuncture at River of Wellness Acupuncture. She can help you with pain and other medical issues. She used the power of herbal medicine, acupuncture or Aroma Acupoint therapy. She has amazing with her Chinese Medicine.
River of Wellness Acupuncture
Deborah Lang is a licensed and NCCAOM-certified acupuncturist, and a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the state of Oregon. In 2000 she received her Master’s degree with honors from Yo San University in Los Angeles, and has been practicing in the Rogue Valley since 2001. In addition, Deborah completed a one-year post-graduate training in nutritional therapy from the Nutritional Therapy Assn. She also has good working knowledge of Western herbal medicine and homeopathy, and she enjoys providing care for people of all ages. Deborah has had success treating a variety of conditions such as pain, PTSD, anxiety and depression, neuropathies, digestive issues, gynecological/menopausal issues, chronic fatigue. She also has several years of experience as a massage therapist and a birth doula.